Thursday, June 14, 2007

Phase One: Make Kegerator

Here's the fridge that we got for free from Sara. It's barely big enough though, so in order to theoretically fit a whole 1/2 keg I had to cut out the back corner that fit the compressor, in order to make room.

Here's the aforementioned compressor moved out of the way onto the plywood base.

In order to hold the CO2 tank, Jim thought we should cut a circle in a piece of plywood, but since we didn't have a jigsaw, I decided to make an octagonical holder out of a 2x2.

Here the octagonical holder's coming together nicely.

Chloe being a sexy construction girl. :)

Here's all the kegerator parts I ordered online. Cool stuff.

Here's the back reasonably put together. Obviously the CO2 tank goes into the octagon though. And the bungee can come off the octagon once the liquid nails dries.

Here's a temporary tap I made for until we get to the arcade machine part. It felt like I was making a birdhouse!

Here's a keg all ready to be tapped!

And here's my first beer out of the brand spankin' new kegerator! Woo-hoo! 'Twas a success!

Chloe joined me for the first drinks, so that I wouldn't be an alcoholic drinking alone. And because she's awesome.

Finished backside with the CO2 junk.

Finished inside with my happy thermometer to keep an eye on the temperature.


Graduate said...

Sweet it looks so BA when you put all the pictures together like this!!!! "And IIIIII helped! " :)

Vegas said...

My friends here in London laughed when I showed them this. I think they think kids from Gainesvegas are weird, and I think they're right.

NeillO said...

Hey, we can be weird all we want when we have a projector and cold beer on tap [and I realize the Londoners think it's weird to refrigerate beer in the first place...]