Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Phase Two: Make Arcade Machine

Well, Chloe and I worked all day yesterday and now we have something that roughly resembles an arcade machine! Here's roughly how it went down:

The frame looks kinda like an arcade machine.

Here we go. Note the large space underneath for the aforementioned kegerator.

I look retarded, but according to Chloe it proves that I actually made it.

Look at my awesome coordination. I rule!

Some nice shelves which may sometime in the near future hold some liquor or beer glasses.

I swear I'm not humping the arcaderator...

Back view. Bottom hole is for the woofer, top one for the monitor.

Chloe looking sexy as can be as she drinks and paints. She stuck around the whole time helping out, just so she could get to the painting!

I decided to paint the edges of the monitor because it would look weird not being black.

Here's me painting the monitor.

Front view all painted up.

An awkward side view of the shelves. It was hard to get far enough away to take good pictures. It'll be better once it's back in the living room.

1 comment:

Vegas said...

Yay! *Dork moment over, I promise*
I can't wait to see at least part of it in person.